Security Piezoelectric Applications

Security Piezoelectric ApplicationsFrom home security to homeland security, APC International piezoelectric components are keeping people safe all over the world. Since 1986, our company has led the industry with the highest quality components and service that consistently delivers value for our customers. For large orders and small, contact APC International for all your piezoelectric home security needs.

Audio Sound Transducers

Security Piezoelectric ApplicationsAudio sound transducers (buzzers) are an important component of piezoelectric home alarms. Our piezo material buzzers come in a variety of sizes and frequencies suitable for use in home and auto alarms, as well as warning devices and other security components. We offer self-oscillating buzzers, multi-tone sound generators as well as sirens and buzzers without signal generators. Our buzzers are small enough that they can be mounted on printed circuit boards and are competitively priced for mass-market applications. For pricing and availability information for our buzzers and other piezoelectric alarm system components, contact our sales team directly. We can also custom design a product to your exact specifications.

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Quality Piezo Ceramics for the Defense Industry

For specialized applications, our proprietary piezoelectric ceramic materials are available to defense contractors in powder form. We manufacture both hard and soft ceramics suitable for a variety of applications; specific properties of our products are as follows:

APC 840, 841 and 880 are our hard piezoelectric ceramics. Our hard ceramics are specially formulated to deliver higher mechanical quality factors and lower dielectric losses. APC’s hard materials also display better linearity and are more difficult to de-pole. APC’s hard materials can be used in a variety of defense applications for underwater echo sounders and other sonar devices.

APC International also offers APC 850 and 855, our soft piezoelectric ceramics. Soft ceramics display larger piezoelectric and dielectric constants. Use APC 850 and 855 in any application where high permittivity and very high electrical resistance are required. APC’s soft materials can be used in a variety of defense applications for accelerometers, gyroscopes, hydrophones, and pressure sensors.

Component Manufacturing and Custom Design Services

Clients may also contact our team for custom piezoelectric defense system designs. Our Pennsylvania-based facility can create individual piezoelectric components and piezoelectric materials well as complete systems. For component manufacturing, we are able to work with various sizes and shapes of product, so we’re sure to meet the high tolerances demanded by the defense and security industries. Our in-house assembly and contract manufacturing services are designed to save our clients time and money — we offer a range of value added services including soldering leads, sorting, binning and paring, bonding, potting and assembly. Components can be tested to both industrial and military specifications. For more information about our component manufacturing services, contact our team directly with the details of your request.

Find out today why APC International is leading the defense industry with both military and home security piezoelectric components! Contact us today by filling out a form or call (570)-726-6961 to speak to one of our representatives.

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Contact APC International Today to Discuss Your Piezoelectric Ceramic or Piezo Device Requirements

Contact us today by filling out a form or call (570)-726-6961 to speak to one of our representatives. For more information about defense and security applications of our ceramic powders, browse our selection of technical documents and white papers online.

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